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Taylor-Wei Dissertation Fellowship

Taylor-Wei Dissertation Fellowship In the History of Meteorology
Thanks to a generous gift, the Department of History of Science, Technology, and Medicine of the University of Oklahoma is pleased to announce the 6th Annual Taylor-Wei Dissertation Fellowship. This award, named in honor of the scientific achievements of Dr. Ronald C. Taylor and Dr. Ming-Ying Wei, consists of a $30,000 stipend for one year of research and writing on any topic related to the history of meteorology, climate science, and/or technologies related to those fields, broadly construed. We are interested in supporting social and cultural approaches to weather and climate as well as more technically-focused work.

Graduate students from any institution are encouraged to apply. Opportunities will be available for the recipient to take advantage of the unique resources at OU, such as the National Weather Center and associated laboratories and the exceptional History of Science Collections, but there is no residence requirement.

Applicants should submit by January 15, 2025 a cv, a proposal of no more than 2500 words, including notes, that outlines the dissertation project and how it would benefit from the award, and a letter of recommendation (submitted separately) from the applicant’s doctoral committee chair or advisor. As the recipient must be ABD by the beginning of the award period, this letter should note when the student passed or is scheduled to take his/her general exams. Application materials should be submitted by email to Professor Hunter Heyck: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. We are more than happy to respond to questions from applicants or advisers.

