CSN-REC Graduate Student Support Policy for Travel to International Conferences

The CSN Student Support program is temporarily suspended.

Canadian graduate students are eligible to apply for funding to assist with the costs of attending relevant international Canadian Studies conferences. A maximum of $1000 is available annually to support travel (limited to economy airfare and ground transportation, accommodation, and conference registration costs). If two students apply in one year, the annual allocation will be split two ways; if more than two students apply, applications will be ranked and two awards given. Students can apply for these funds only once in their graduate-student careers.
Normally, applicants must do the following at least 6 weeks in advance of their proposed departure date (applications received later will not be considered for support):
1. Send an application electronically (on institutional letterhead) that indicates the following:

· confirmation that the applicant is a Canadian citizen enrolled at a Canadian university and a member in good standing of the CSN-REC;
· indication of the applicant’s stage and level of graduate study and what the intended completion date is;
· details of the conference to be attended, including the abstract of the paper and notice of its acceptance. If not presenting a paper, the exact nature of participation must be clearly detailed and supported with confirmation of that role by a conference organizer;
· detailed budget of anticipated expenses and sources of other support being pursued or already committed;
· a declaration that the applicant will be an active participant at the conference. (CSN-REC-supported participants are required to be present for the full length of the conference.);
· a statement, in about 100 words, of what the applicant sees as the benefits of attending the conference for their own academic development and how their attendance might benefit the larger Canadian Studies scholarly community.

2. Additional materials required:

· a letter from the applicant’s supervisor supporting their participation at the conference. Full contact details of the supervisor must be included in the letter (institutional mailing address, phone, email). PDF format is acceptable.

3. If the applicant accepts financial support from the CSN-REC to attend an international conference, the student agrees to the following:

· to write a 500-word report on their experiences at the conference for the CSN-REC newsletter/webpage within 30 days of their return. Photographs taken at the event would be an asset. Payment will not be made until this report, along with a clear and detailed statement of expenses and receipts are sent to the CSN-REC. Original boarding passes and travel documents should be provided. (If those are needed by other funders, copies can be submitted as long as they have been endorsed by the student's supervisor.);
· to actively promote the goals and mandate of the CSN-REC while at the conference;
· to gather information on the workings of student networks abroad to be shared with the CSN-REC in writing upon their return;
· to actively work with the CSN-REC student representative (or other Executive members, as appropriate) following their return to achieve the concrete results (identified above) from their attendance.
Applications and subsequent reports are to be sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

June 17, 2011 (Rev. June 2022)