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Policy for CSN-REC sponsorship for invited Canadian Studies speakers

1. When resources are available, the CSN-REC will assist our institutional members to bring international Canadian Studies scholars to Canada to be keynote, plenary, invited speakers/lecturers at events/conferences/workshops/lecture series on a theme related to Canadian Studies.

2. A maximum of $1000 will be given in support of such visits and normally limited to support of travel (economy airfare and ground transportation and accommodation costs.)

3. Institutional members seeking such support should send electronically a letter at least 8 weeks in advance outlining the following:

a. Who is being invited and why this person was selected (a CV is desirable but not necessary). It is CSN-REC policy to support Canadianist scholars who are actively involved in national Canadian Studies associations. Please indicate to which national association the invitee belongs. If the invitee is not a member of a national Canadian Studies association, a detailed explanation of why the CSN-REC should support his/her visit is required. Such membership is strongly encouraged by the CSN-REC.
b. Who was on the selection committee for the event /conference /workshop/lecture series in Canada
c. What this person's role will be in any planned event/conference/workshop/lecture series
d. Other details of the event/conference/workshop/lecture series of which this speaker will be part
e. The title and abstract/substance of the talk(s) they will give
f. A detailed budget for this visit
g. How many people are anticipated to attend the event/conference/workshop
h. How the event/conference has been publicized
i. Other sources of funding for both the event and specifically to support the visit of the invitee.
j. Any other information that would be helpful to those reviewing the application for funding.

4. Other requirements:
a. A detailed listing of the expenses incurred in the visit with copies of original receipts and ticket must be provided electronically to the CSN-REC administrator before payment will be made. Original boarding passes are to be included in any claim for airfares; if these are needed for other funders, a copy signed by one of the event organizers will be acceptable.
b. A 500-750 word report is to be submitted to the CSN-REC for inclusion in their newsletter/posting on their website within 30 days of the event. (Photographs from the event would also be desirable.) Payment will not be issued until this report is received.
c. CSN-REC sponsorship is to be noted on all publicity associated with the event and at the event.

Applications are to be sent to: csn-rec.ca@csn-rec.ca

June 17, 2011
