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Canadian Studies Network- Réseau d'études canadiennes

1st Annual General Meeting

November 6, 2010
Brock University
11:00 am to 12:20.

Colin Coates (York University); Christl Verduyn (Mount Allison University); Jim Struthers (Trent University); Marian Bredin (Brock University); Lynda Mannik (Memorial University); Meaghan Beaton (Trent University); Casey Ready (Trent University); Georgia Carley (Queen's University); Joan Nicks (Brock University); Claire Campbell (Dalhousie University) and Nick Baxter-Moore (Brock University).

1. Agenda adopted as circulated: Moved Christl Verduyn; Seconded Claire Campbell.

2. Election of Student executive member. (Colin Coates)
There were two nominees: Meaghan Beaton (Trent)
Georgia Carley (Queen's).
Results of student election: M. Beaton elected. Thanks were expressed to both students for their willingness to stand for this position.

Colin Coates announced the names of the rest of the new Executive:
President: Colin Coates (Glendon College, York)
Vice President: Andrew Nurse (Mt. Allison)
Secretary-Treasurer: Julia Harrison (Trent)
Christl Verduyn (Mt. Allison, Member-at-Large/ICCS rep)

All members were acclaimed to their positions.

3. Budget and membership update:
Currently there are 8 institutional members; 22 regular members; 27 student members.

Due to the costs of a full audit, the incoming executive had opted for a 'notice to readers' regarding the reporting of the finances of the CSN-REC. The membership had previously agreed to this change via email.

Currently we have approximately $2820 prior to the conference expenses. The latter are expected to total about $900, leaving a balance of about $2000.

Discussion about the financial situation highlighted the need to be prudent in our expenditures. Thanks was expressed to the Frost Centre for Canadian Studies and Indigenous Studies for paying Lynda Mannik's salary as the Administrative Assistant over the past 12 months and for covering our legal fees. It is clear that finding ways to support the CSN-REC will be a key issue for the new executive to discuss.

Christl Verduyn moved and Jim Struthers seconded the financial report as presented. Approved.

4. It was agreed that a CSN-REC listserv should be initiated as something separate from our membership list. Lynda Mannik will follow up.

Additional discussion focused on the need to start a membership drive. Andrew Nurse agreed to take a lead here. It was agreed that he would draw on those who had reviewed materials for the Journal of Canadian Studies; would contact departments and programmes; make links through Meaghan Beaton to students; and utilize a snowball strategy with existing members.

A link to the Journal of Canadian Studies for CSN-REC members was something that was highlighted to be pursued by the current Executive.

5. The ICCS application is ready to be sent in. Thanks to Lynda Mannik for her work here. Membership in the ICCS will have many concrete benefits for CSN-REC as an association. Christl Verduyn indicated that it is her understanding that our application would be fast-tracked.

Meaghan Beaton asked if we needed a motion to pass all decisions made by the Executive to this point. It was decided that the only decisions had made related to the 2010 AGM and thus did not warrant a motion.

A motion passed in favour of submitting the membership application to the ICCS.
Moved: Meaghan Beaton; seconded: Claire Campbell. Approved.

6. It was strongly agreed upon by the meeting that the new Executive should pursue the classification of Canadian Studies as a "teachable" subject for prospective Education students. Some research would be needed as to what constituted Canadian Studies degrees across the country and what the position of Canadian Studies as a teachable in various provincial jurisdictions is needed. Colin volunteered his research assistant to work on this project. Colin suggested a motion that the Executive pursue issues related to Canadian Studies as a teachable for Bachelor of Education students. Marion Bredin so moved. Meaghan Beaton seconded. Approved.

7. The next CSN-REC meeting will be held at Glendon College, Toronto. After that it is worth pursuing the idea of having it outside of Ontario. Mount Allison has volunteered to host the meeting in 2012 (should this be 2013?) as part of a larger event that they are hosting. It was agreed that we should plan a meeting that includes more than just a presentation of papers by individuals. Sessions offsite and/or topical roundtables were some ideas suggested. There was some discussion about the number of days desirable for future meetings. We need to work on both the intellectual and the social component of membership in the CSN-REC meetings.

8. Other business:
Thanks to the Steering Committee who got the CSN-REC to this point.
Thanks to Lynda Mannik for all of her work to date.
Thanks to Marion Bredin for all of her help and support in facilitating and hosting the first AGM and panel at Brock.

Recording Secretary: Julia Harrison with assistance from Lynda Mannik.
November 16, 2010
