Best Article Published in the Journal of Canadian Studies
Description: This prize is awarded annually for an outstanding scholarly article published in the Journal of Canadian Studies.
Award: The author or authors will be granted a one-year membership in the CSN.
Eligibility: The prize is granted to the best article in the previous year's volume. The article may be written by one or more authors.
Selection: A three-member interdisciplinary panel composed of CSN-RÉC members and, when possible, a member of the JCS Executive or Board, will select one winner and, when appropriate, an honourable mention. The selection panel reserves the right not to award the prize in any given year. The winner will normally be announced by the CSN at the annual fall AGM. There will be no appeals of the panel's decision.
Previous winners of this prize
Darren Reid, “‘Compound Dispossession’ in Southern Ontario: Converging Trajectories of Colonial Dispossession and Inter-Indigenous Conflict, 1886-1900” Vol. 57, issue 1
Funké Aladejebi, Kristi A. Allain, Rhonda C. George, Ornella Nzindukiyimana, "“We The North”? Race, Nation, and the Multicultural Politics of Toronto’s First NBA Championship" Vol. 56, issue 1
Gregory Millard, “Ambiguously Hip: The Tragically Hip and Canadian Nationalism” Vol. 55, issue 3
Shannon Brown, “Molly Wood’s Bush: Settler Colonialism, Queer Activism, and Commemoration in Toronto” Vol. 54, issue 2-3
Jade Crimson Rose da Costa, “Pride Parades in Queer Times: Disrupting Time, Norms, and Nationhood in Canada” Vol. 54, issue 2-3
Ian Liujian Tian, “On Rescuable and Expendable Life: Bioavailability, Surplus Time, and Queer Politics of Reproduction” Vol. 54, issue 2-3
Catherine Khordoc, “Worlded Literature in Quebec: Wajdi Mouawad’s Le Sang des promesses Cycle” Vol. 53, issue 3
Sarah E.K. Smith and Carla Taunton, “Unsettling Canadian Heritage: Decolonial Aesthetics in Canadian Video and Performance Art” Vol. 52, no.1
Gillian Roberts, “Writing Settlement after Idle No More: Non-Indigenous Responses in Anglo-Canadian Poetry” Vol. 51, no.1
Scott Thompson, “Real Canadians: Exclusion, Participation, Belonging, and Male Military Mobilization in Wartime Canada, 1939-45.” Issue 50.3.
Andrea Bear Nicholas, “The Role of Colonial Artists in the Dispossession and Displacement of the Maliseet: 1790s-1850s," Journal of Canadian Studies, vol. 49, no. 2.