CFP for the annual meeting of the Atlantic Medieval and Early Modern Group (AMEMG), October 24-25, 2025
Please join us in Moncton (NB) for this year’s conference, co-hosted by the Université de Moncton and Crandall University. A reception and keynote lecture will be held on the evening of October 24 at the Université de Moncton, followed by a day of papers on October 25, at Crandall University (10 minutes away by car).
We are eager to receive proposals in English or French for papers (15-20 minutes), panels (3-4 papers on a specific topic), or posters from scholars at any career stage (including graduate students and undergraduates working on honours projects). As a broad and inter-disciplinary group, the AMEMG welcomes work on any subject of interest to scholars in the fields of medieval or early modern studies, broadly conceived.
If you are interested in giving a paper (15-20 minutes), please send an abstract (300 words) and a 1-page CV.
If you are interested in organizing a panel (3-4 papers on a specific topic), please send a title and brief description (150 words) along with abstracts (300 words) and a 1-page CV for the individual presenters.
If you are interested in participating in a poster session, send a brief description of what you would present (150 words) and a 1-page CV. Submissions in this category are welcome from all participants, but especially honours undergraduate and graduate students.
We also welcome proposals for 10-minute introductions to attendees’ research backgrounds and areas of interest. This will give new attendees, as well those embarking on new or different lines of research, the chance to introduce themselves. It will also give the whole group an opportunity to learn about the exciting work being done in Premodern Studies in Atlantic Canada. Proposals for 10-minute intros should be around 150 words.
Please email proposals to
Watch your email for additional details on the keynote, registration, and accommodations. And feel free to direct any questions to
Please disseminate widely among your colleagues, students and departments.