Métis Knowledge Transmission: Sharing What We Know
(Working Title)
Laura Forsythe & Jennifer Markides

Topics may include but are not limited to Métis health and wellbeing, relationality and kinship, research methodologies, Métis history and archiving, literature and storytelling, language learning and revitalization, Métis futurities, 2SLGBTQ+ stories, Métis feminisms, technology, life sciences, economics and entrepreneurship, governance and legal systems, Métis geographies, religion and spirituality, and community organizing and activism, peoplehood, self-determination, and sovereignty.

This book is intended to be written by Métis thinkers from various disciplines and professions, including scholars and students working within Métis Studies and Indigenous Studies and those whose work falls in fields that center other knowledge systems. We also encourage contributions by Métis thinkers and creatives who engage with knowledge outside of academia. Diverse perspectives will help us convene a dynamic and generous thinking space to broaden our individual and collective understandings within the collection. Submissions must include a speaker bio(s) and a brief description of applicants’ connections to the Métis Nation.

This book will appeal to people interested in expanding their understanding of Métis specific histories, methodologies, stories, experiences, issues, realities,
Manuscript Length
Submissions should be 2500 – 4000 words in length (not including references and notes).

Manuscript Format
Word documents are preferred. Formatted in Author-Date see style guide

Publication Information
Métis Knowledge Transmission: Sharing What We Know will be submitted to Cambridge Scholars Publishing for consideration for publication in 2026.
The Submission Process
Please send your submissions by email to Laura Forsythe and Jennifer Markides at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. All submissions will be peer-reviewed.

Expression of Interest
Please send a 100 – 250 words (maximum) proposal outlining your vision for your submission to the editors on or before October 1st, 2024.
Working Trajectory
Full first draft submissions are requested for April 30th, 2025. If you need additional time, let us know. Anticipated publication in late 2026.


Forsythe, L & Markides, J. (2024) Métis Coming Together. Peter Lang Publishing.
Forsythe, L. & Markides, J. (2024). Around the Kitchen Table: Métis Aunties Scholarship. UMP
Forsythe, L. & Markides, J. (2021). Walking together in Indigenous research. DIO Press.
Markides, J. & Forsythe, L. (2019). Research journeys in/to multiple ways of knowing. DIO Press.
Markides, J. & Forsythe, L. (2018). Looking back and living forward: Indigenous research rising up. Brill | Sense.