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2025 Hay-Nicolay Dissertation Prize Announcement

The Abraham Lincoln Association (ALA) and the Abraham Lincoln Institute (ALI) invite nominations and submissions for the 2025 Hay-Nicolay Dissertation Prize, which includes a $1000 honorarium.

Eligible doctoral dissertations must have been completed between 2022 and 2024. Preference will be given to Abraham Lincoln-focused dissertations, but studies that examine Lincoln’s history and political, cultural, and/or social legacy within a larger context (such as emancipation during the Civil War, Reconstruction, Lincoln administration policies involving indigenous peoples), will also be considered. Comparative studies (e.g., leadership studies, biographies) offering more than one chapter of Lincoln-related material will be considered, as well as studies of individuals traditionally associated with Abraham Lincoln. Submissions should offer new evidence or primary source materials, new interpretations, and/or a reevaluation of previously accepted conclusions.

Submissions must be received by 5:00pm Eastern Time on Saturday, October 5, 2024.

