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CFP - Canadian Political History Group: Populism Here and Abroad

Canadian Political History Group

Call for Papers -- Populism: Here and Abroad
Toronto, October 16-18, 2025

“The power of populism lies in its adaptable nature”, writes the US historian Michael Kazin. In Canada, the Progressive Party (1920-30), the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (1931-62), and the Reform Party (1987-2000), for instance, little resembled each other, save for their claim to represent “the people” not “elites.” Populist parties and movements have gained strength in recent years throughout much of the world, and a party employing populist discourse has a good chance of forming Canada’s next national government. The term “populist” is more often employed as a term of praise or condemnation than it is examined with a scholar’s eye, and its varied, sometimes contradictory expressions unpacked, analyzed, and understood. It has therefore never been timelier to consider populism as a historical phenomenon.

The Political History Group of the Canadian Historical Association invites papers for a conference entitled: “Populism: Here and Abroad” to be held in Toronto from October 16-18, 2025. We welcome both individual papers and proposals for panels on various aspects of populism relevant to the Canadian experience including, but not limited to:
• the circumstances that give rise to various populist groupings;
• the grievances they claim to address;
• the conditions that lead to their success or failure;
• their approaches to electoral politics;
• comparative studies with populists elsewhere;
• how political cultures have been shaped by populist movements and organizations purporting to reflect their goals;
• the ways in which populists address who belongs to the political community.

We invite proposals of no more than 500 words, in English or French, describing both topic and approach. Proposals from graduate students are welcome. Please include a short CV (1-2 pages max.) with your proposal.

Please submit proposals or requests for further information by February 15, 2025 to:
Jack Cunningham, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you,
Conference Organizing Committee
Political History Group of the Canadian Historical Association
